Saturday, June 30, 2012

And Now for a Little Mystery...

She Didn't Know

The pillar of the community
leaned against
the door frame.

He flipped a coin in his hand
as he watched the red clad woman
walking away.

She had no idea of his psychosis.

He opened his hand and looked down.
Thoughts of his special tool case
kept in the hutch at the foot of the stairs
reluctantly leave his mind as he sees the
tails on the coin in his palm.

He glances one last time at her
and moves on to other matters.

© 2011 Judy Ponceby

Author's Note

Judy Ponceby
Words given: Feet. Hutch. Frame. Pillar. Psychotic.

Thank yous to Sir Frank for the help in editing! Muchly appreciated. :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Silliness, Gotta Love It


by Judy Ponceby
Traveling by plane across the main
Sitting in coach waiting for peanuts
I was thinking about layovers.

Drifting to sleep on that square of a pillow
Knees to my chest, arms folded tight
Dreaming of home but stuck on this flight.

Turbulence seesaws our plane up and down.
Waking abruptly, my vision still blurred
I glance out the window, over the wing.

Mother of god, it's a duck of all things.
Staring at me like a new zoo exhibit,
Quacking at me to say what an idiot.

Stuck in a can hurtling 'cross the sky
At the mercy of gravity because I can't fly.
This duck makes a point as he leaps in the air.
Spreading his wings, gone without a care.
Oct 24, 2010

Interactive Mothering #2

Hello :)

I have had a most entertaining week with my son this past week.  On Monday we got together with his cousin, my nephew of course, Caleb, who is ten and made campfire stoves out of aluminum cans.  And we had (yep, I'm gonna say it) a blazing good time! :)   I thought I would post a few pics just for my own entertainment :)  By the way the last pic is sideways because obviously my attempt at manipulating it into the correct dimensions of the real world were not successful.  So, turn your computers 90 degrees to the left or right depending on your grasp of spatial dimensions :) Thank you. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

For all you Pirates out there!! Arrrgghhhh!!!!



Land Ho!

Man the lanyard! Over the sea!
To lands unknown to you and me!

The wind blows south, my merry men.
The ale flows free, to heaven then.

To Sea, to find my heart aflame!
To Sea, to find the dragon's claim!

Salty air, on dark stormy winds
Fair, rock our ship, to pieces then.

Tossing freely, dancing wildly,
Spinning to the rhythmic pounding.

Passing time on deck and mast,
From the crow's nest, we hear at last.

Land Ho! Land Ho! Captain!
The very land that has been sought.

Rivers of silver, mountains of gold.
Paradise for Pirates, so I'm told.
Sep 27, 2010
Judy Ponceby

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Ol' SummerTime

Summer Fun

Hip hop, gonna stop
on the bright blue square.
Run, jump, fall like a lump
on the green ground bare.

Laugh and dash, and water splash
in the sunshine sparkle.
Smile and giggle, toes they wiggle
in the black mud darkle.

Playing silly, warm then chilly
dusk is setting in.
Wandering home all alone
in the tub again.

Splish, splash, clean in a flash
jammies on real quick.
Bedtime story, oh the glory,
on a dreamland kick.
Sep 12, 2010
Judy Ponceby

Ian and Reese

My favorite photo of my favorite son and my favorite dog!

Friday, June 22, 2012


This is my dog.  His name is Reese.  He has been the greatest dog ever.  I know you think your dog is, but I have to insist that Reese is. :)  He's very old now.  Has some problems like we all do when we get old.  He was just a big ball of fur when I brought him home from the vet's that I worked at.  He was 10 months old.  His owner wanted him put to sleep because her children wouldn't take care of him.  I showed up at home with him and my husband opened the door and said "No".  Well, that didn't take. We kept him outside for a week or so, then he worked his way into our hearts and home and has been there ever since.  He is a Chow/Sheltie Cross.  Has a spotted tongue.  He used to be all bright orange and his tail would just fly in the breeze like a flag.  He used to bounce like a gazelle too :)   One time he bounced right over a four foot high fence and didn't even blink.  He used to peel peanuts in the shell with his tiny little front teeth too.  Silly dog.  One of his favorite games was to rush out the back door and try to catch the mourning doves that were at my bird feeders because they were so slow coming off the ground.  I thought it was very funny until one day I found one of his catches.  Bad dog following your natural instincts like that! :) I still love him no matter what.  I wrote a poem about him some time ago, when I thought about him aging that I will share here.  It's getting close to that time for him, and it's a hard thing to think about.  But the memories he has left us with are engraved on our hearts.  We love you Reesedog :) with all our hearts. :)

My Reesedog

Age is slowing my best friend.
His ears no longer catching the faintest hint of rustling in the brush.
His fur not so golden red in the sunshine, fading white.
His legs not so strong, no longer bounding over the land.
His eyes not so sharp now, clouded with age.
His energy not so boundless, tiring easily on short walks.

He has shown me how to love unconditionally, trust effortlessly.

During his life he has shown me love, sorrow, joy, fear, patience.
My best friend, has blessed my life in ways I never knew he could.

Judy Ponceby

Rodents on Speed

In honor of the three squirrels playing tag immediately outside my window yesterday, snarling, chirping and tearing bark from the tree, I found an appropriate poem I had written awhile ago. :) Here's to you, Frick, Frack and Frannie. :)

Feeling Squirrelly

Chitter, chatter!
What's the matter?
Little squirrel couldn't be fatter.

Sitting up in a tree
Zipping round and round so free
Throwing acorns down on me.

Spazzy rascals move real quick
Sitting on a limb's dead stick.
Watch that tail! How it flicks.

Calling warning of dire sort
Chattering back in fine retort.
In a swirl around their fort.

Front lines of fine defense
Throwing acorns on offense
All their secrets in suspense.

© 2011 Judy Ponceby

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Interactive Mothering for the 13 yr old Son :) #1

A fun way to entertain one's self is to call your 13 year old son at random times during the day and shout random phrases into the phone.  I didn't want him to feel neglected today so naturally I tried this out several times :D He was amused and annoyed.  Another successful day of being a mom! YAY !!!

Favorite Random Phrases Today:

I like pie!



Make sure you hang up immediately afterwards so he has to make the effort to call you back :D It worked every time so far.  What a great day! :)

Crates N Skates

Hippos in crates
On rollerskates
Crashing through
the rickety gates.

Crashing and bashing.
Oooooooooooh, how Smashing!
Rolling about
Their teeth a-flashing!

Running amuck!
Watch out for the duck.
Open the doors!
Back up the truck!

Zipping up the ramp
Like any old champ.
There they go!
Don't forget their stamp.

Crates in the mail!
Delivered without fail.
Those Hippos on skates
Lurching down the trail.
For Charming, Fun and Fanciful.
Oct 27, 2010

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tangle Inspired Artsy Stuff

Recently I came upon a bit of artsy fun that I enjoy very much because it doesn't require a great deal of hard earned knowledge and can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone with only a writing utensil and paper.  So here are a few examples of Zentangles that I have been learning to do and playing with.  Particular designs by particular people are incorporated and some of these I have drawn looking at others' work to get a feel for and practice at making Tangles. 

A Very Favorite Quote :)

Bat Monitoring: Week 1

A story about my experience last night doing Bat Monitoring with my great friend JS.  This is our second year monitoring bats.  And we were assigned a new trail we had never been on before.  When we bat monitor we take a GPS/Ultrasound recorder with us that when analyzed will tell the college student doing the study what type of Bat we found and exactly where.  I call her BatGirl. She has pastel floral tattoos all over her upper chest and down one leg.  She is a unique girl for sure.  Anywho.  JS and I start out and its only 9.30pm a little light, so along the way we find a baby raccoon attempting to hide and climb a tree, which he is unable to do at this point it seemed.  He was adorable. Of course as we go along the woods keep getting darker.  The whippoorwills were really numerous and lovely to hear too.  Now for some reason I'm particularly jumpy, and it doesn't help that my beloved friend JS has a penchant for reading vampire novels and sharing them during nighttime hikes, and according to last night watching giant bug movies (thanks for the preying mantis visual by the way that walks on the ground but won't leap at us from the trees).  And by the way, I determined that my monitoring system has enough heft to it that hurling it in the face of giant preying mantis' might give us a 3 second lead time if we have to run. :D We did hear several bats on our monitor, many deer in the woods VERY close to us.  But, the ultimate moment of our fine trip last night happened as we walked and I noticed JS doing a strange side stepping motion.  I wasn't sure what had gotten into her in the middle of a dark dense forest.  I stopped and looked at her and just as I caught a glimpse of a June Bug the size of Godzilla against the night time sky it came zooming right at me!!! Needless to say I was starting to freak out.  However the bat monitor went off and then the JuneBug was gone.  Now, tell me, How BIG was the bat that ate Junebug a la Godzilla?????  Cripes, I almost lost my mind! LOL  And strangely the bats are not the scariest things out there.  But the good part is that I'm game to go back again every two weeks. :)


I discovered a star
shiny and bright.
It burned from within
with glorious light.

I watched as it flared
bright orange then red.
It burst from my hand
and as it fled,

It sparkled and shone,
flying away with a trail
That left me in wonder
as I watched it set sail.

On beyond Saturn
and out past Neptune
seeking its fortune
it continued to flow.

Silently sailing vast
light years away
Inspiring adventure
in every way.

© 2011 Judy Ponceby

My First Blog Post

Today, 6.20.12, marks the first day of my new blog, of which I have never done before.  But as it says in the title, The World According to Judy, I intend to blog about my interests, hobbies, thoughts and stories of my funny to me and perhaps to others, poems, birding pics, and artsy fun things I try (hopefully with a little success and without much personal injury) owing to my less than graceful being. :) So hang on for the ride :D

In Appreciation

I must thank a wonderful fella who has started me on this new blogging experience.  My thanks and admiration to you, my finest of friends <:3 )~~~