Friday, June 22, 2012


This is my dog.  His name is Reese.  He has been the greatest dog ever.  I know you think your dog is, but I have to insist that Reese is. :)  He's very old now.  Has some problems like we all do when we get old.  He was just a big ball of fur when I brought him home from the vet's that I worked at.  He was 10 months old.  His owner wanted him put to sleep because her children wouldn't take care of him.  I showed up at home with him and my husband opened the door and said "No".  Well, that didn't take. We kept him outside for a week or so, then he worked his way into our hearts and home and has been there ever since.  He is a Chow/Sheltie Cross.  Has a spotted tongue.  He used to be all bright orange and his tail would just fly in the breeze like a flag.  He used to bounce like a gazelle too :)   One time he bounced right over a four foot high fence and didn't even blink.  He used to peel peanuts in the shell with his tiny little front teeth too.  Silly dog.  One of his favorite games was to rush out the back door and try to catch the mourning doves that were at my bird feeders because they were so slow coming off the ground.  I thought it was very funny until one day I found one of his catches.  Bad dog following your natural instincts like that! :) I still love him no matter what.  I wrote a poem about him some time ago, when I thought about him aging that I will share here.  It's getting close to that time for him, and it's a hard thing to think about.  But the memories he has left us with are engraved on our hearts.  We love you Reesedog :) with all our hearts. :)

My Reesedog

Age is slowing my best friend.
His ears no longer catching the faintest hint of rustling in the brush.
His fur not so golden red in the sunshine, fading white.
His legs not so strong, no longer bounding over the land.
His eyes not so sharp now, clouded with age.
His energy not so boundless, tiring easily on short walks.

He has shown me how to love unconditionally, trust effortlessly.

During his life he has shown me love, sorrow, joy, fear, patience.
My best friend, has blessed my life in ways I never knew he could.

Judy Ponceby

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